Why Are Some People Successful When Others Are Not?


success failure decisionCall them the top 1%, 5%, winners, successful people, whatever …

you know who they are.

They are men and women who on the outside look very normal …

average and ordinary.


But believe me  …

they are NOT!


So Why Are Some People Successful When Others Are Not?


Successful people think differently from everyone else!


  • They don’t take crap from others.
  • They don’t allow themselves to get sucked into status quo thinking.
  • They don’t let the lights go off in their business at 5pm or on the weekend.
  • They are not easily influenced by what’s going on (or the perception of what’s going on) in the ‘real’ world.
  • They don’t let the economy dictate their income.
  • They don’t let the incompetent government or any other force stand in the way of their success.
  • They don’t let friends, relatives or anyone else conform them to the way it ‘should’ be.
  • They don’t let their comfort zone limit their progress.
  • They don’t let indecision and lack of motivation stop them from taking action.
  • They don’t allow lack of clarity about what they want, waste their time just ‘going through the motions’.
  • They don’t let situations turn into excuses of why they can’t do something.


As a matter of fact, there’s no word ‘can’t’ in their vocabulary

no such thins as cant only wont

there’s only ‘how’!



And they sure as heck don’t let time slip away thinking there’s plenty of it left.

Truth is…

Time is running out.


As depressing as the next sentence may sound on the surface, it’s actually one of the most brilliant things I have ever heard.

Every day, you are one day closer to death.


But don’t let that be a downer …

let that inspire you to do more with the time you have right now.


Every year, I realize more and more what a gift time is …

it truly is the biggest asset we have …

but it seems to be going by quicker and quicker!


time spiralAverage people think there’s always more time …

I still have X number of days left in the week, the month, the year.


That’s why they’re all broke and will stay that way …

as well as suffer from mediocre health and poor relationships.


But Why Are Some People Successful When Others Are Not?


Successful people understand that time is precious and do the best they can to not waste it on meaningless stuff …

Procrastination is an enemy!

It’s probably one of the most vicious enemies of success …

it robs you of your greatest asset.


Which is why when you are crystal clear about what you want, you do everything you can to leverage the time you have to accomplish your goals …

You do have goals right?


Well I want to challenge you to think about what you need to do TODAY, right now, this moment, to achieve all that you want out of life …

and don’t let the loser mentality that we all have to fight at times, thinking that there’s always more time left, take over and sabotage your success.

Do today what others won’t, so you can live the rest of your life like the rest of the world can’t and never will.

It’s simply a matter of choice … make the decision today

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building blocks of success





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