Want To Find Out What’s Holding You Back?


2 minutes


2 Minute Exercise For The People Who Are SERIOUS About
Creating Freedom In Their Life…


Just answer these 2 questions-

1) What’s an action that you need to take that you’ve been putting off?

2) Why don’t you do X?   List out ALL the reasons…



Now can you see What’s Holding You Back?


You see, the thing is …

everything that you listed in question 2 are just your perceptions of what is going to happen.


In other words, they are NOT reality (they may or may NOT happen…)!


So what if they DO? …

But what if they don’t!



Most of the time we don’t take action because we worry about the outcome being something different to what it is likely to be …

we worry about making mistakes and not doing a good enough job because we don’t know enough …

but how can you expect to be good at something that you’ve never done, or that you don’t do regularly, or that you’ve never worked at getting good at?




Fact is, you are NOT going to do a great job at it, or even a good job at it …

until you do it again and again and again …

learning from your mistakes along the way.




Now you know What’s Holding You Back

break free


you can CHOOSE to take the CHANCE to make the necessary CHANGES

… and move forward.


It’s time to break free from What’s Holding You Back





Make that change …




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