Use Precise Interests For Laser-Targeted Facebook Ads

Just got this through from Chris Record and had to share it …


Hot off the press!

If you place FB Ads, this is a must-have tool for you!

It’s a google chrome extension, that re-activates Precise Interests in your Facebook Power Editor, so that you can start placing laser-targeted ads!

Grab it NOW while it’s still FREE!

There is a BIG advantage with using Precise Interests.

Facebook Ads all default to general interests.

Let’s say you wanted to target the San Francisco Giants.

Well, it would include fans of that team AND…

People that HATE that team!

Seriously!  Because it groups them up by keyword.

But with PRECISE INTERESTS, you can laser target only the fans.

You will have a smaller, more precise audience to advertise to.

This can help you boost your ROI on your ads.

This COULD be the tool that helps you tip t-shirt campaigns!

Or helps you dramatically lower your cost per lead!

But the best part?

It’s absolutely FREE!

Grab it right now while it’s still free!
Chris Record
Creator, Dark Post Profits


Why Use Precise Interests For Laser-Targeted Facebook Ads?

If you are advertising and you want to make the maximum impact …

then you need to really hone in on a specific audience

so that your message can address a specific area

… so this tool will help you do just that.


Grab it whilst it’s Free …








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