Is Your Mind Working Against You?


mind-controlYour Mind Is Such A Powerful Tool …

and what is going on in your head has a huge impact on:

  • your actions
  • your decisions
  • your experiences.


You see … what you think about you bring about …

If You Think You Can Or Think You You Can’t – You’re Right

~ Henry Ford ~


It is what is going on in your head that results in you missing opportunities …

because you make bad decisions based off a really bad frame of mind

… self limiting thoughts – I can’t do that

… i don’t have the time and money

… i can’t be bothered I’ll do it tomorrow – but you never do!

… questioning everything, getting more and more negative, talking yourself out of it


Is Your Mind Sabotaging You?


Here’s what Carrie says …..

One of the things I’ve come to understand about being an entrepreneur is that it’s like being on a rollercoaster ride in the dark… there are ups and downs. It’s exciting, but at the same time terrifying You never really know what’s coming next or how things are going to work out.

But nevertheless, I find that I’ve buckled myself in and I’m on this ride for the long haul.

However, at the beginning of my journey 10 years ago, I found myself really struggling with the dips. I started to question everything I was doing, I would doubt myself, I would talk myself out of testing new ideas, because somewhere along the way I lost my self-belief.

I battled so hard with myself for such a long time, until I finally figured out what I needed to do…

I needed to program my mind for success, not failure.

Instead of being my own worst enemy, I had to be my best friend. I had to believe in myself more than anyone else. I had to have the confidence in myself to do the things I needed to do in order to succeed. And it all started with changing what was going on inside of me.

Just like the most successful people in the world – the athletes, the multi-millionaire business owners, the best-selling authors – I had to condition myself for success.

When I made that decision my life changed.”


Take Control and Harness Your Mind

harness your mind

Stop asking why are things happening – because your mind will keep showing you why!

… instead ask what do you need to do to achieve things.


Run your head … don’t let your head run you!


You have the power to choose what you think …

Own It or Be Owned!


Hopefully this video and Carrie’s words will inspire you to take the action you need to make the change you want and bring about the things that you have dreamed of and can now visualise coming true.




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