The internet marketing world can be a very complicated place, so you need to learn how to get ahead online.


Marketing online requires you to Brand Yourself …

You need an identity …

People need to be able to connect with you, relate to you, understand what it is you have to offer them.


But with so many ‘Gurus’ online how do you get yourself noticed?


How To Get Ahead Online


Become a Student / Teacher …

There is a lot to learn so you need to become a Student, but once you have this new knowledge do not be afraid of sharing it.


This helps people to see that you are able to teach others to follow in your footsteps, that you are able to coach them.


how to get ahead online

The process that demonstrates this best is described by my mentor with the acronym L.A.R.S


(1) Learn

Become a Student …

There are so many ways to market yourself, your opportunities, and your products online that you need to focus on one at a time.

Pick the area in which you want to market, e.g. facebook, twitter, linkedin and learn everything you can.


(2) Act

As you learn new techniques, new strategies, take action and use them.


(3) Results

Once you start to take action and perfect what you are doing you will start to see results.

This maybe setting up a facebook page, driving more traffic to your website, generating leads every day, converting your leads into sales/sign-ups …

and remember even if you do not think your results are worthy of sharing, they are!

Many others will still be looking to learn how to do what you have just achieved …

never under estimate your achievements.


(4) Share

This is the time to write a blog post, record a short video to put on youtube, post the details on facebook or twitter or linkedin, hold a webinar or google hangout.

By sharing the results you have achieved you will be reaching out to someone who is where you were at step1.


How To Get Ahead Online


“Content x Consistency = Market Leadership Online”      ~Ed Dale~


When people can see you are learning, taking action, getting results, and being willing to share it all with others, showing them how to get ahead online, they will start to see that you have value to offer. They will start to see you as a Respected Trusted Authority and this in turn may well make them want to come work with you.


And remember …

it doesn’t matter how far ahead of someone you are when helping them, just as long as you are one step ahead!


how to get ahead online



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