Do You Ever Wonder – How Much Time Do People Spend Online?


Each year for the past few years, the amount of time spent online has been growing at an alarming rate

… how many people do you know with a smart phone? a tablet? a laptop/pc?


When you want to know something what do you do? where do you?

… more than likely … you Google it!


We have become accustomed to the internet and, on some levels, depend on it

… do you ever hear yourself saying ‘where would we be without the internet’?


So How Much Time Do People Spend Online?


According to a poll on The New Business Blog, nearly 65% of us spend at least eight hours each day trolling the internet. It doesn’t take a mathematical wizard to see that this represents, at minimum, 1/3rd of a day.

The results of the poll breakdown like this: 64% of respondents stated they spent at least eight hours on the internet each day; 20% of respondents stated they spent between five and seven hours on the internet each day; 14% of respondents stated they spent between two and four hours on the internet each day; and only 2% of respondents stated they spend one hour or less on the internet each day.


So, How do people spend their time online?

What are the most popular Internet activities?

What are the most visited websites? Or on what websites do people spend most of their time?


This 2012 Infographic ” How People Spend their Time Online” will help you in finding answers to all these questions (even if it is a little dated now)

How People Spend Their Time Online

Infographic by- GO-Gulf


You Can Now See How Much Time Do People Spend Online


A normal Internet user spends around 22% of their time on social networking sites, 21% on searches, 20% on reading content, 19% on emails and communication, 13% on multimedia sites and 5% on online shopping

… 21% of their time online is carrying out Searches … Google is the most visited web property online.

… 22% of their time is spent on Social Media, with Facebook being the biggest time. Social networking is the most time consuming activity for an Internet user; with a normal Facebook user spending around 7 hours, 45 minutes and 49 seconds per month on Facebook.


92% of Internet users have used Internet for sending e-mails and for using search engines. 83% for getting more information related to health or hobbies. 82% for searching directions. 81% for getting weather information.78% for information on new products. 76% for reading news. 72% for entertainment and 71% for online shopping.


Fortunately for those of us who run online businesses, this is all good news …

during the days of dial-up connections, when people didn’t spend a whole lot of time online, it was tough to make sales and get your site seen by lots of people

… but now that most people have high speed internet and spend lots of time online, the chances of you scoring sales or site visits has really increased.


If you need help getting your business online … click the image below

lesley burroughs logo4


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