Do you find yourself hesitating and thinking everything is a scam?

is everything a scam

Are you the biggest sceptic going?

I can be!


Well if you think everything is a scam, first off…



…why are you still looking at stuff? LOL




If you think everything is a scam

do you enjoy wasting your time looking at things you’re never going to even entertain doing then?

or do you just want to stick around long enough and tell enough people everything is a scam! until you get the one person that will agree with you so you then know you are right!?!


Well here’s the TRUTH…

…if someone’s making money selling a legit product for a company, then ANYONE can do it.


Products being sold and customers paying money for products EQUALS business.

When you have something someone else wants, needs, and can afford, then there is an opportunity for a business transaction.


Still think everything is a scam?




No-one is going to make money FOR you.

No-one is going to invest their time and effort in to making something work for you unless you are working too!


All business takes investment …

when you invest time, effort and money into anything it gives you a reason to commit to making it work.


To  become a true entrepreneur …

it takes hard work, discipline, and adaptability…

…as well as coachability and teachability!


I see numerous emails, facebook posts etc. offering huge incentives to get you to join opportunities, so it is no wonder people stop and think everything is a scam!

best thing since sliced bread


Everyone is pitching their business like it’s the greatest thing since sliced bread

… which is understandable as everyone when they start something new is enthusiastic and excited about the company they’re representing.


But here’s some cold hard truth…




Sure it’s nice to have those things on offer, they’re all great perks but ultimately that’s NOT what the majority of people are attracted to.

People do NOT join companies, systems, compensation plans and free cars.

And if they do, usually they’ll NEVER stick around long-term.

For me when I see someone has won a car or a paid trip overseas …

My reaction is…

bully for you!


Most people don’t care!..

It doesn’t change where YOU’RE at, what YOU’RE achieving, or what YOU have.


The people who do get super excited about these things tend to very quickly cool off and disappear into the witness protection program, never to be seen or heard from again. LOL


You see all these things are the icing on the cake, nice bonuses, but not the real meat on the bone in terms of what people are desperately seeking.


leadershipWhat people really want, and actually need, is LEADERSHIP…

They want someone they can buy into and trust to take them where they want to go.

They want someone to show them the way to achieve THEIR goals.




everything is a scam


What most people want is FREEDOM…

Freedom from their job.

Freedom of time.

Freedom to do what they want, when they want… without thinking about money.



So many people stumble around the internet looking for push-button solutions, opportunities that will make them rich over night, but the truth is …

All the gurus have had to put in their time as an apprentice.

But of course they are not so forthcoming in showing you their fumbles and stumbles made on the way to success because the ‘hard’ stuff just doesn’t sell as well as the ‘magic button’.

They’ve invested years, months, week, days, hours, blood, sweat & tears, as well as a lot of money, to get to where they are today.

Why after all that effort and investment would they simply hand you the answers on a plate?

Come on get real …


People simply think everything is a scam because they believe from the advertising that they will have to do very little for huge returns …

But if this were the case …

do you not think it would dilute your earning potential because everyone would be doing it?


You see all these opportunities, systems, strategies DO ALL WORK …



Love this BIG, OBVIOUS DISCLAIMER seen recently:

“Do not join now, if you’re looking for some ‘magical  secret key’ to getting rich without working at all.

ALL of the rich folks I know (all of them) either now or in the past worked their asses off for sometimes an extended period of time, encountering brutal, bloody failures for a time before ‘getting it’.

* Sort of like how any professional goes to school before they can actually make money, you’ll have to learn some stuff too.  If you aren’t willing to learn now, don’t join immediately.

People who join right now, thinking this is a lottery, are going to be sadly  disappointed to learn that to get rich today, or ever, there’s very little sitting on the couch, and watching re-runs of the Simpsons involved.

While some people earn extraordinary amounts of sexy-money, some people make absolutely no money at all.”




I am so thankful to have found an ethical mentor who I can trust to guide me to the right opportunities for me, not to everything just because it will make him money!

This is what you need to find for yourself and then you will have more faith in the fact that NOT everything is a scam :-)



Maybe you could find a mentor in me? >> click here <<



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