When Is A Good Time For Confessions?


8:30pm on a Sunday in the Kitchen …

according to recent research, these are the most popular time and place when we declare our deepest and darkest confessions.


With our family gathered together on a weekend evening we apparently feel more inclined to share things …

from pregnancies to debt problems.


About 4.5 million Brits have confessed the life-changing news of a pregnancy across the kitchen table, while 5 million other secrets are revealed across the table every month.


And apparently more than a quarter of parents use meal time to get confessions out of their children.


Have You Confessions To Share?

The research findings also suggest that 6 million of us are planning to confess something in the kitchen on christmas day, with 38% most likely to have had a glass of festive fizz.




Teenagers break the news of having their first boyfriend or girlfriend,

decisions to travel abroad are shared,

confessions to having a tattoo are made,

and all to the most popular member of the family, mum!


How To Make Your Confessions

In the style of a true Brit …

it is no surprise that we find it very helpful to make a cup of tea while breaking difficult news.


Difficult issues are commonly discuss whilst we are cooking or cleaning …

so it would appear that the kitchen provides a nurturing environment, a safe heaven, where we can talk together and feel secure in revealing our biggest secrets.


Is It Time For Your Confessions?

Are You Now Where You Thought You’d Be 5 years Ago?

Will You Be Where You Want To Be In 5 years Time?


Avoid Disappointment … click the image below

a year from now


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