
Do you compare yourself? .. Be The Very Best YOU Can Be


Do you ever find yourself comparing yourself to others ?

… and then feeling a bit low as a result!


Maybe because someone is …

thinner than you,

younger than you,

better looking than you,

wealthier than you,

more successful than you.


Perhaps you find yourself wandering around Facebook feeling inadequate

because there are people with so many more …


and content

and engagement

and videos

and a thriving business

… and it’s just NOT FAIR!!!!!!


LOL! … It happens to all of us at some point.



Do you doubt yourself? … Be The Very Best YOU Can Be


The thing is … there is always going to be someone who ‘appears’ to do or be or have more …

But you know what?

A) WE have no idea what’s going on behind closed doors and everything we ‘think’, we make up in our own head


B) They’ve got their own problems!


By comparing ourselves to other people it leads to feelings of low self esteem and overwhelm.

Neither of which are resourceful emotions.

your country needs you

The most important thing in life is to be the very best YOU can be!



You CAN Be The Very Best YOU Can Be


If you’re going to compare yourself to anyone, compare yourself to yourself.

Hold yourself to task:

are you growing?

are you moving forward?

are you striving on a daily basis to be better than you were yesterday,
to take your business to the next level,
to move out of your comfort zone?


Deborah Meaden, from BBC’s Dragon’s Den, once said …

“my own competition is to get as far as I can”


Here’s a challenge for you …

1. Have a ‘Where Am I Now’ brainstorm.

Write down where you are now with your emotions, your finances, your health, your relationships, your business etc.

Give yourself a current score from 1 – 10 on each section, 1 being pretty bad, 10 being AWESOME!


2. Now write down the same list and decide where you want to be.

What’s your perfect day, your ideal scenario? How do you feel, what are you earning, what does your business look like, your health, your relationships etc
3. Now compare the two and make a plan on how you can improve on those sections with the lowest score.

What can you do each day to take you closer to where you want to be? What changes can you make right NOW, to help you attain your vision of your perfect day?



Be the very best YOU can be at all times and celebrate everyone else who’s doing the same.


If you would like to learn how to be the very best you can be and to start living the lifestyle you deserve … click the image below



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