Most things that happen to us in life are as a result of the influences around us …


broken piggy bankIf you’re having financial struggles chances are your parents struggled with their finances too.

Everything that happens around us imprints itself in to our mind’s programming and when we face similar situations it is these imprinted memories that direct our actions towards the same outcome.


So does that mean that our destiny is determined at a very young age?



Does it mean your fate is sealed by the size of your parent’s bank account or how you viewed money throughout your childhood?


Not necssarily …

but there is no doubt that we develop our views of money through our experiences whilst growing up.


Break The Cycle


There’s a saying …

“The rich get richer and the poor get poorer”, right?


Well, the cycles of wealth or poverty do tend to repeat themselves.

But that does NOT mean you are destined to struggle just because your parents did.


My parents lived a comfortable lifestyle thanks to my dad’s job in the Bank, but when they divorced when I was 12 my mum wanted to still live the comfortable lifestyle we had become accustomed to so she chose to re-educate herself and go back to work to ensure we had the money to do so.

Now, because of that, I continue to live a comfortable lifestyle, buying things when I want them rather than when I can afford them, enjoying 4* and 5* holidays, and never wanting to go without!

That’s maybe not such a good thing, but it is as a result of the influences around me when I was growing up.  But please do not get me wrong I am not blaming my mother … I love her dearly.


So does that mean if you had a less fortunate upbringing that that is how all of your life has to be?

NO! Of course NOT …



Your past will constantly try to control your future, but at the end of the day YOU have a CHOICE.

YOU can DECIDE to write a new story, to break the cycle, at any time you can decide to be the master of your destiny rather than a victim to your past.

YOU can consciously CHOOSE to replace old thought patterns and what you know doesn’t work with ones that DO WORK… thought patterns that bring you TOWARDS what you DO want instead of more of what you DON’T want … you can break the cycle.


Of course this is easier said than done.

Not only can it be hard to break old habits of thinking, but it is also very easy to stay within your comfort zone.

Most of us are more comfortable doing what is familiar yet destructive, rather than doing what is constructive but unfamiliar.

In other words, most people are happier doing what they know doesn’t work rather than working on something they don’t know.


But that’s what it takes to get things to change …

To break the cycle


You need to make the decision to break free from the thinking that because that has always been the way it has always been that it has to stay that way!



You are by no means a product ‘solely’ of your upbringing, your past or your environment.

YOUR DECISION to CHOOSE YOUR THOUGHTS and WHAT YOU FOCUS ON, outweighs ALL of your past or current circumstances.


Living and enjoying a successful life is not something that just happens by chance … you have to craft it by choice and by change. It’s a result of deliberate and conscious decisions.

You have to CHOOSE to break the cycle.


which way

We all want life to be fun; to be FULL of happiness, health, satisfaction and wealth.


But you have to take the right path.



You can not hold a positive thought that FEELS GOOD plus a negative thought that FEELS BAD at the same time, it’s impossible.


Because they are NOT a match.

Kind of like you can’t listen to music on a pop station and a classic station at the same time. Because they are totally different channels.


Whatever you focus on, you will experience …

When you talk about, or constantly think about, ‘what is’ or ‘what was’, even if you are just telling a friend, you project more of the same into the future, cosmic ordering as some people call it.


So if you want something DIFFERENT, you want the outcome to change, you have to start focusing on WHAT YOU DO WANT, talking about WHAT YOU WANT, thinking about WHAT YOU WANT and eliminating anything and everything that isn’t WHAT YOU WANT from what you think about, focus on, talk about or do.

mindset characteristics

This is how you BREAK THE CYCLE of the past (or present) if you don’t want more of it.

You have got to CHANGE THE CHANNEL!


The good news is, you can do it NOW.

It’s not something you have to buy,
you don’t have to go anywhere to do it,
join any group or get anyone’s permission.

YOU have the power to break the cycle
and create the life you want… RIGHT NOW.


Take control of your future and make that decision to change how things have always been … Click the image below




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