Recommended Reading – SUMO (Shut Up Move On) By Paul McGee


So what exactly does it mean to S.U.M.O.?


S.U.M.O. stands for Shut Up Move On.

We all long for success and enjoyment – unfortunately we don’t always get either of them.

Have you ever thought that your attitude could be what is holding you back?


S.U.M.O. is a phrase to say to ourselves (and sometimes others) when we are acting or thinking in a way that is hindering our ability to succeed.

It doesn′t necessarily mean ′get over it′ or ′pull yourself together′ (although there may be occasions when both responses are necessary) …

′Shut Up′ means stop what you′re doing, take time out to reflect, let go of baggage and beliefs that hinder your potential.

′Move On′ means tomorrow can be different from today, look for new possibilities, don′t just think about it, take action.


S.U.M.O. shows that the way you think is a major factor in determining how your life unfolds.

It demonstrates that by taking responsibility for your life, you can fulfil your potential, seize opportunities, enjoy relationships, succeed at work and respond to adverse situations with a positive attitude.


S.U.M.O. encourages you to take an honest look at your life, remembering that it is never too late to change.

We can all dump the victim T-shirt, develop fruitier thinking and ditch the idea that ‘whatever will be will be’.


S.U.M.O. offers heavyweight life coaching with a soft-centre.

Weighing in with humour, insight, practical tips and personal anecdotes, it is a thought provoking – and possibly life-changing – read.


When You Shut Up Move On Everything Will Change

Stop thinking Oh Woe Is Me … Shut Up Move On and you’ll notice the difference.


There are six S.U.M.O. principles that are designed to help you create and enjoy a brilliant life …

If you are wrestling with life′s challenges, these principles will help you do so much more successfully.




It′s not just what happens to you but how you respond to it that shapes your life – you do have control. …

Change Your T–Shirt – take responsibility for your own life and don′t be a victim.

Develop Fruity Thinking – change your thinking and change your results.




change thoughts change life

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