
What Are Personal Values?


Our personal values are those things that really matter to us.

Values are the views and beliefs we develop throughout our life.


They come about as a result of the various influences we are exposed to …

parents, culture, religion, schools, peers and people we admire.


Why Do We Have Values?


We use our values to make decisions about how to live our life … they determine our priorities.

Our values are reflected in our morals and ethics.



Do You Know Your Values?


When you define your values, you discover what’s truly important to you.

This is why making a conscious effort to identify your values is so important.


To learn what your values are … try this test:

The Values Test 101


One of the greatest benefits of being my own boss is that I can work without compromising any of my personal values, as I have total control over what I do and do not do … Click the image below to be your own boss


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